So you know I'm not a liar lol, here' s a peek at the upcoming book:
Clint stared at the center of the glass conference table. The voices were droning on and on, but he was barely paying attention. This was the third meeting he’d been forced to attend this week and it was only Tuesday. Things had been busier in the past few days than in the last 8 years. Once the news came down about the Commander’s failure things became chaotic. The soldiers who made it back gave details that had only strengthen the board’s desire to apprehend the group. This current meeting was a briefing for the new security team.
“Dr. Morgan!”
Clint jumped, coming out of his thoughts. He looked up into the annoyed faces of the board. “You may start now.” The head of the board said stiffly. Clint grudgingly rose out of his seat and headed to the front of the room. The projector light blinded him for a second as he walked by it. He appreciated the reprieve from having to look at the stern faces of the people staring at him. He hated them all, but he had duty and a promise to fulfill.
The first slide came flickered on the wall. He glanced back and was greeted with the picture of a young Ally. “Aileen Anthony. Received her injection at age 11 started exhibiting symptoms at four months later. Her symptoms took the form of cellular acceleration.”
“Keep it simple doctor,” Simon Rogers, the leader of the security team spoke out.
Fighting the urge to speak out, Clint continued. “She is able to speed up the aging process of whatever she touches.” The next slide showed a video of A young Ally touching a tomato with her finger. Within seconds it became rotten. “As you can see her ability works extremely fast on organic material, or anything living, but with prolonged touch and effort she can affect any material.” The slide switched to a scowling 13-year-old Hector.
“Hector Davila. One the first of the subjects injected. His symptoms didn’t reveal themselves for ten months. At first Hectors abilities were confined to affecting his appearance, limited at first, just hair and eye color until full body transformation began.” The group watched as Hector continuously changed different parts of his face for the camera. “Not long after he demonstrated the ability to camouflage himself, appearing nearly undetectable to the human eye. We thought this was the extent of it, but without our knowledge he learned to extend this ability to things and people around him. We believe this ability was used in the initial escape.” Clint went on to the next slide.
“The twins, Jessica and Jamie Nichols, were injected at age 12 and showed symptoms within seven months. Both reacted to the injection in similar yet slightly different ways. While Jessica shows an adept talent for persuading the mind, Jaime’s ability focuses more on the physical aspects of the body.” Clint could see the frustrated and confused faces of the men in the room.
He let out deep sigh. “She can literally speak into the mind, implant thoughts, suggestions, cause you to do things you wouldn’t normally do, but make you believe it was of your own free will. Jamie on the other hand can manipulate the physical body in whatever capacity he likes whether it’s the legs, hands or the brain itself. In one of his final sessions he was able to start and restart the heart of one of our lab rats at will.”
One of the men shifted in his chair clearly uncomfortable. As Aidan’s face appeared before him Clint paused to look out at the men. While a couple of the security team seemed a bit disturbed and apprehensive, the leader didn’t appear too bothered which upset Clint. He wanted them to be scared, to walk away from this whole thing, but it appeared that was wishful thinking.
“Aidan Ketcher. The second subject to receive the injection. Brought in at age 12, showed symptoms within eight months. Along with increased strength and speed, Aidan has complete control over his own body. He can command his cells to form in ways that enhance his body for any situation. As a child he was able to numb himself to keep from feeling pain. He can strengthen his muscles to increase his strength. He can also instruct his cells to regenerate at a much faster rate causing for accelerated healing of any injury.”
Clint looked back up to the projected screen and froze as he stared into the brown eyes of a very young Miracle. “M-Miracle, subject one. The only subject to be born within the original facility. Unlike the others, no injection was necessary. Her abilities were inherited and began to show very early. We called it environmental manipulation. Basically, she had limited ability to control any part of whatever environment she is in or near. This includes temperature, pressure, air, and gravity. Her abilities took a physical toll on her causing a decline in her health. Out of all the subjects, she was probably the weakest when it came to using her abilities. Though it is important to remember with her and all the others, all of this information is over 8 years old. There’s no telling how they may have evolved. There’s no way to fully prepare for any encounter with so many unknowns.” He finished hoping to plant seeds of doubt in them.
“Thank you, Doctor.”
Clint raised his gaze to head of the board. He looked back him with narrowed eyes, not appreciating his honest assessment. Clint went back to his seat.
“We will provide files on each subject to you and all your men so you can familiarize yourselves with them. Whatever you need you will have at your disposal. This mission requires discretion. And we need results as soon as possible. Are you able to do this?”
Roger’s stared at the picture on the wall.
“We can.”
“I need to remind you that our last team was thought to be more than capable of handling the situation. The team leader had actually trained two of the subjects personally. He is no longer with us,” chimed the head of the board.
Roger’s expressions did not change. “We have methods and protocol for situations like these,” he said simply.
Clint felt his curiosity rise. “You’ve dealt with these types of circumstances before?” he questioned unable to keep the intrigue out of his voice.
Roger’s didn’t even look at him.
“That’s classified.”